All investors in waterloo with saas market

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Pawel ChudzinskiInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Communities, SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Jan MiczaikaInvestment Partner, Micro VC, Venture Capital, Accelerator, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Communities, Human ResourcesGet dataGet dataDetails
Kelly FordAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyB2B, Information Technology, SoftwareGet dataGet dataDetails
Christian VollmannAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyManufacturing, Printing, 3D PrintingGet dataGet dataDetails
Kolja HebenstreitInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyAdvertising, Marketing, InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Janis ZechAngel/Individual, Angel, CEO, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyFitness, Wellness, Consumer HealthGet dataGet dataDetails
Sven FundAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Events, Internet of ThingsGet dataGet dataDetails
Johannes ReckAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Enterprise Software, SaaSGet dataGet dataDetails
Thomas FalkInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Advertising, MarketingGet dataGet dataDetails
Philipp HerkelmannAngel/Individual, Angel, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Apps, MobileGet dataGet dataDetails
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