All investors in waterloo with founder type

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Roland GrenkeAngel/Individual, Angel, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Productivity Tools, Developer ToolsGet dataGet dataDetails
Benjamin BakAngel/Individual, Angel, CEO, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanySoftware, Health Care, Personal HealthGet dataGet dataDetails
Finn Age HaenselAngel/Individual, Angel, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyE-Commerce, Delivery, Delivery ServiceGet dataGet dataDetails
Kolja HebenstreitInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyAdvertising, Marketing, InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Jenny SaftAngel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyHealth Care, Artificial Intelligence, FitnessGet dataGet dataDetails
Michael CassauAngel/Individual, Angel, CEO, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyE-Commerce, Marketplace, ElectronicsGet dataGet dataDetails
Jascha SamadiInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, VCWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyBlockchain, Cryptocurrency, AdvertisingGet dataGet dataDetails
Lukas BrossederAngel/Individual, Angel, CEO, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyManufacturing, Printing, 3D PrintingGet dataGet dataDetails
Maximilian TayenthalAngel/Individual, Angel, CEO, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyInformation Technology, Information Services, SustainabilityGet dataGet dataDetails
Dennis WeidnerAngel/Individual, Angel, Founder, InvestorWaterloo, Berlin, GermanyFinance, Financial Services, FinTechGet dataGet dataDetails
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