All investors in city-of-cape-town with investor type

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Investor nameInvestor typeLocationMarketsLinkedinEmailDetails
Johan BosiniPrivate Equity Firm, Investor, Venture Capital, Investment Partner, Angel/IndividualCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaRebel acquired by Salesforce, FinTech, ImpactGet dataGet dataDetails
James WoolleyInvestor, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Angel/IndividualCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaGaming/eSports, Web3/Blockchain, Web3/CryptoGet dataGet dataDetails
Enygma Ventures LLCInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Founder, Investor, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaEnergy, Solar, Venture CapitalGet dataGet dataDetails
Daniel SwiegersInvestor, Venture CapitalCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaConsumer Internet, Enterprise, Financial ServicesGet dataGet dataDetails
Frederik GernerInvestment Partner, Angel/Individual, Investor, Venture Capital, Private Equity Firm, Micro VCCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaAutomotive, InsurTech, Autonomous VehiclesGet dataGet dataDetails
Philip KiracofeInvestor, Venture CapitalCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaFinTech, Real Estate/PropTechGet dataGet dataDetails
Doron ClaxtonInvestor, Venture Capital, Private Equity FirmCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaGaming/eSports, Web3/Blockchain, Web3/CryptoGet dataGet dataDetails
Phillip Sebole Masango 🇿🇦Angel/Individual, Investor, Venture CapitalCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaVenture Capital, FinTech, InternetGet dataGet dataDetails
Joshin RaghubarInvestor, Venture CapitalCity of Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaConsumer Internet, EnterpriseGet dataGet dataDetails
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