Investor name:

Steve Simonian

Investor type:

Social media:

Available after registration.

Past investments:

  • RedOwl
  • eFileCabinet
  • Solera Networks
  • Staccato Communications
  • Platfora
  • Synack
  • Rosum
  • Apprion
  • Apruve
  • Autonomic Networks
  • Prevailion
  • AvaLAN Wireless Systems
  • ActiveGrid
  • CyberGRX
  • NetCell
  • QSecure
  • Adventure Central
  • IMVU
  • ClariPhy Communications
  • LGC Wireless
  • Bracket Computing
  • StepUp
  • E8 Security
  • Callsign
  • Coraid
  • Area 1 Security
  • Ribbit
  • WaveMaker
  • Source Defense
  • Symplified
  • Lucidworks
  • Moki
  • Noosh
  • SafeGuard Cyber
  • Collinear Networks
  • vArmour
  • Axcient
  • Attune Systems
  • tCell
  • Good Technology
  • Shape Security
  • MaritzCX
  • Signifyd
  • Inertia Beverage Group
  • Dragos
  • SkyHive
  • PureWave Networks
  • DriverSide
  • Deepfence Inc
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