The Lean Startup is a methodology for developing businesses and products that aims to shorten product development cycles by adopting a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning.
Usage and Context
Startups use this method to make their products better quickly. They test ideas with real users, then keep what works and change what doesn`t.
Frequently asked questions
What is a business-hypothesis-driven experiment? It`s a test based on a business guess. Startups use it to see if an idea works before making a big investment.

What does a lead investor get? A lead investor often gets better terms. They might get a say in the company`s decisions or special rights. This is because they take a bigger risk.

What is validated learning in startups? It`s learning from real-world use, not just guesses. Startups use this to make sure their products truly meet customer needs.
Related Software
Lean Startup helps save time and money. It lets businesses find out quickly if an idea will work, without spending a lot.
Lean Startup is about making better products faster. It`s a smart way for startups to grow while avoiding big mistakes.
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