A Moat is a business`s ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its market share and profitability.
Usage and Context
A company with a strong moat can fend off competitors and sustain long-term profitability by leveraging its unique advantages.
Frequently asked questions
What is a moat in slang? In slang, a moat can refer to a significant advantage or barrier that protects something valuable.

What is meant by economic moat? An economic moat refers to a company`s ability to maintain competitive advantages, protecting its market share and profitability from competitors.

What is a startup moat? A startup moat is a unique advantage or feature that allows a startup to protect its market position and fend off competition.
Related Software
Tools like SWOT analysis templates, competitive analysis software, and market research tools (e.g., SEMrush, MarketMuse) help identify and strengthen business moats.
A strong moat ensures long-term profitability, protects market share, and provides a competitive edge.
Having a strong moat is crucial for a business to maintain its competitive advantage, protect its market position, and ensure long-term success.
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