A Non-Dilutive Share is a type of share or investment that does not dilute the ownership percentage of existing shareholders.
Usage and Context
Non-dilutive shares allow companies to raise capital without reducing the ownership percentages of current shareholders.
Frequently asked questions
What is a non-dilution share? A non-dilution share is an investment that does not decrease the ownership percentage of existing shareholders when new shares are issued.

What does non-dilutive mean? Non-dilutive means that the issuance of new shares or investments does not dilute or reduce the ownership stakes of existing shareholders.

What is the opposite of diluted shares? The opposite of diluted shares are non-dilutive shares, which maintain the ownership percentages of current shareholders.
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Non-dilutive shares protect the ownership stakes of existing shareholders, maintain control, and avoid equity dilution.
Non-dilutive shares are beneficial for raising capital while preserving the ownership percentages and control of current shareholders.
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