Non-Recurring Revenue is revenue that is not expected to occur regularly, in contrast to recurring revenue streams.
Usage and Context
Non-recurring revenue comes from one-time events or transactions, providing occasional boosts to income without regularity.
Frequently asked questions
What is an example of a non recurring income? An example of non-recurring income is revenue from the sale of a company`s assets, such as selling a piece of real estate or equipment.

What is an example of a non recurring business? An example of a non-recurring business is a consultancy firm that completes a large, one-time project for a client, generating significant income that is not expected to recur.

What is the difference between NRR and ARR? NRR (Non-Recurring Revenue) is revenue from one-time events or transactions, while ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) is revenue that is consistently earned on an annual basis from ongoing operations or subscriptions.
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Non-recurring revenue can provide significant financial boosts, help with unexpected expenses, and contribute to overall financial health.
Non-recurring revenue is a valuable financial component that offers occasional income boosts, complementing regular revenue streams and enhancing financial stability.
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