Organizational Design is the process of shaping a company`s structure and roles to align with its business strategy and goals.
Usage and Context
Frequently asked questions
What is the organizational design process? The organizational design process involves analyzing a company`s strategy and goals, defining roles and responsibilities, and creating a structure that supports efficient operations and goal achievement.

What is organization structure design follows strategy? "Organization structure design follows strategy" means that the design and structure of a company should align with its strategic objectives, ensuring that the organization can effectively implement its strategy.

What is the purpose of organization design quizlet? According to Quizlet, the purpose of organizational design is to create a structure that enables a company to achieve its strategic objectives efficiently and effectively.
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Organizational design enhances operational efficiency, aligns the company’s structure with its strategic goals, improves communication and coordination, and supports better decision-making.
Organizational Design shapes a company`s structure to align with its strategy and goals, improving efficiency and supporting the achievement of business objectives.
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