A Quasi-Shareholder refers to individuals or entities that have an interest or stake in a company`s performance or outcomes without holding formal shares or equity.
Usage and Context
A quasi-shareholder has an interest in a company`s performance without holding formal shares or equity.
Frequently asked questions
What does quasi partnership mean? A quasi-partnership refers to individuals or entities with an interest in a company`s performance without holding formal shares.

What are the four types of shareholders? The four types of shareholders are common shareholders, preferred shareholders, institutional shareholders, and individual shareholders.

What is the principle of quasi partnership? The principle of quasi-partnership involves individuals or entities with a stake in a company`s performance without formal shares.
Related Software
A quasi-shareholder has an interest in a company`s performance without holding formal shares or equity.
A Quasi-Shareholder has an interest in a company`s performance without holding formal shares.
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