A Quoted Price is the current price at which an asset or service is offered for sale or purchase, providing a basis for buyers and sellers to make decisions.
Usage and Context
A quoted price is the current amount at which an asset or service is being sold, helping guide decisions for buyers and sellers.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of quoted price? The quoted price is the last trading price of a security or commodity, showing what buyers and sellers agreed upon in the market.

What is the meaning of quote at price? "Quote at price" is the current rate at which a security is available for sale or purchase.

What is the quote-based price? The quote-based price is the current trading price at which a buyer or seller is willing to transact an asset.
Related Software
A quoted price is the current price at which an asset or service is available for sale or purchase, guiding market decisions.
A quoted price helps buyers and sellers make smart choices.
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