The Reserve Price is the minimum price a seller is willing to accept for an asset in an auction, ensuring the asset is not sold below a certain value.
Usage and Context
The reserve price is the lowest amount a seller is willing to accept for an asset in an auction.
Frequently asked questions
What does reserve price mean in an auction? The reserve price is the lowest amount a seller will accept at auction; if bids don’t reach this level, the item might not be sold.

What is the point of a reserve price on eBay? A reserve price on eBay ensures that an item won`t be sold for less than the seller`s minimum acceptable amount.

What does it mean if there is no reserve price? If there`s no reserve price, the item will sell to the highest bidder, regardless of the bid amount.
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The reserve price is the lowest amount a seller will accept for an asset at auction.
The reserve price sets the lowest amount a seller is willing to accept at an auction.
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