Return on Customer Acquisition Cost (ROCAC) measures the profitability and value generated from customers acquired through marketing efforts, comparing revenue to the cost of acquisition.
Usage and Context
Return on customer acquisition cost (ROCAC) measures the profit gained from customers relative to what was spent to acquire them.
Frequently asked questions
What is the customer acquisition cost return? Customer acquisition cost return evaluates the profitability of acquiring new customers by comparing their revenue against the costs of obtaining them.

What is the ROAS customer acquisition cost? ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) shows how much revenue is earned for every dollar spent on advertising, while customer acquisition cost represents the expense to acquire a new customer.

What does customer acquisition cost measure? Customer acquisition cost (CAC) measures the total expense required to acquire a new customer, including marketing and sales efforts.
Related Software
Return on customer acquisition cost (ROCAC) measures the profitability from new customers compared to acquisition costs.
Return on customer acquisition cost (ROCAC) evaluates the profitability gained from marketing efforts to acquire customers.
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