A Silent Partner invests capital in a business but does not take part in daily management or decision-making processes. They provide financial support while remaining in the background of the company`s operational activities.
Usage and Context
A silent partner offers financial backing to a business but does not take part in daily management or decision-making.
Frequently asked questions
Which partner invest capital but does not take active part in management? A limited partner contributes capital to a business but does not participate in daily management.

What is an investor who provides capital but doesn’t get involved in the day-to-day operations of the company? This investor is known as a passive investor.

What is a person who invests in a business but takes no part in the day-to-day operations of the business called? This person is known as a passive investor.
Related Software
A silent partner provides capital to a business without involving themselves in daily management or decision-making.
A silent partner provides financial backing but does not get involved in daily management or decision-making.
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