A Strategic Investor is typically a large corporation that invests in a startup with the intention of forming a strategic partnership, often to access new technologies, markets, or products.
Usage and Context
A strategic investor is a company that invests in a startup to create a partnership for new technologies or markets.
Frequently asked questions
What is a strategic investor? A strategic investor funds a startup to gain advantages like new technology or market access.

What is strategic investment in startups? Strategic investment in startups involves funding companies that align with the investor`s broader business goals or objectives.

What is a strategic investment partner? A strategic investment partner is an investor who not only provides capital but also brings additional resources and support to help a business grow strategically.
Related Software
A strategic investor invests in a startup to form a partnership for accessing new technologies or markets.
A strategic investor is a corporation that invests in a startup to build a mutually beneficial partnership.
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