Sweat Equity is equity awarded to founders, employees, or advisors in recognition of their contributions in the form of work, effort, and expertise, rather than monetary investment, to the startup`s development.
Usage and Context
Sweat equity provides founders, employees, or advisors with company shares for their work and expertise instead of cash.
Frequently asked questions
What is a syndicate in venture capital? A syndicate in venture capital is a group of investors pooling resources to invest together in a startup.

What is the meaning of sweat equity? Sweat equity is the value assigned to the work or expertise someone brings to a business in exchange for ownership or shares.

What is the sweat equity approach? The sweat equity approach gives ownership or shares to individuals based on their hard work and contributions instead of cash investment.
Related Software
Sweat equity rewards founders, employees, or advisors with equity for their non-monetary contributions to the startup.
Sweat equity provides shares to founders or team members in return for their effort and expertise, instead of cash.
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