A Syndicate is a group of investors, often led by a venture capital firm, that pools resources to invest in startups, spreading the risk and potentially increasing the investment`s impact.
Usage and Context
A syndicate is a group of investors who pool their money to invest in startups, sharing both the risks and potential rewards.
Frequently asked questions
What is a systematic investment plan? A systematic investment plan (SIP) promotes disciplined investing by allowing regular, fixed-amount investments in mutual funds.

What is a syndicate group? A syndicate group is a collection of investors who pool their funds to invest together in a business or project.

What is the difference between a syndicate and a lead investor? A syndicate is a group of investors pooling resources, while a lead investor is the primary one who organizes and leads the investment deal.
Related Software
AngelList, SyndicateRoom
A syndicate is a group of investors pooling resources to invest in startups, spreading risk and increasing impact.
A syndicate is a group of investors who pool their money to invest in startups, reducing the risk for each member.
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