A Syndicated Investment involves multiple investors collaborating to fund a startup, pooling their financial resources under the leadership of one or more lead investors, enabling larger funding rounds.
Usage and Context
Syndicated investment means several investors come together to fund a startup, usually guided by a lead investor.
Frequently asked questions
What is the systemic risk of a company? Systemic risk is the threat that the failure of one company could lead to a broader financial crisis in the market.

How does a syndicate work in VC? In venture capital, a syndicate is led by a primary investor who coordinates with other investors to make a joint investment in a startup.

What is the difference between an angel group and a syndicate? An angel group is a collective of individual investors who invest together, while a syndicate is a group of investors led by one person or entity that makes decisions for the group.
Related Software
AngelList, SyndicateRoom
Syndicated investment involves multiple investors combining funds to support a startup under lead investor guidance.
Syndicated investment happens when multiple investors combine their resources under a lead investor to fund a startup.
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