Tiered Pricing is a strategy where a company offers different pricing levels for its products or services, based on features, usage levels, or service tiers, allowing customers to choose according to their needs and preferences.
Usage and Context
Tiered pricing offers different price levels based on features or use, giving customers choices.
Frequently asked questions
What is a tiered pricing strategy? Tiered pricing offers different price levels based on features or usage.

What is an example of a tiered service? An example of a tiered service is a streaming platform offering different subscription levels, such as basic, standard, and premium, with varying features and prices.

What is a 3 level pricing strategy? A 3-level pricing strategy offers products or services at three price points, usually basic, standard, and premium, to target different customer groups.
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Tiered pricing attracts a variety of customers and maximizes revenue potential.
Tiered pricing meets diverse customer preferences, maximizing revenue potential.
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