A Token Sale is a fundraising event where a startup, often in the blockchain space, sells digital tokens to raise capital, providing investors with potential value or utility within the project`s ecosystem.
Usage and Context
A token sale raises money by selling digital tokens, often in a blockchain project.
Frequently asked questions
What is a token sale event? A token sale raises money by selling digital tokens, often within a blockchain project.

What is token fundraising? Token fundraising is the process of raising capital by issuing digital tokens, often in a blockchain environment, representing assets, equity, or utility.

What is a token in the blockchain? A token in the blockchain is a digital asset that shows ownership or access rights, often used for transactions or services within a blockchain network.
Related Software
Ethereum, Polkadot
A token sale opens new funding options and engages the digital community.
A token sale opens new funding opportunities while engaging the digital community.
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