Top-line Growth refers to an increase in a company`s gross sales or revenues, demonstrating the startup`s ability to expand its market presence and attract more customers.
Usage and Context
Top-line growth shows an increase in gross sales, indicating market growth.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of top-line growth? Top-line growth shows an increase in gross sales, indicating market growth.

What is the top line of a company? The top line of a company refers to its gross revenue or sales, indicating the total income generated from its business activities.

What`s the difference between top line and bottom line? The top line is a company`s gross revenue or sales, while the bottom line is the net income or profit after all expenses are deducted.
Related Software
Salesforce, HubSpot
Top-line growth indicates a business`s health and potential for further investment.
Top-line growth indicates a company`s health and its potential for further investment.
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