A Trade Sale is the sale of a company`s shares or assets to another company or investor in the same industry, often pursued as an exit strategy by startups and investors.
Usage and Context
A trade sale happens when a startup sells its shares or assets to another company in the same field.
Frequently asked questions
What is a startup exit strategy? A startup exit strategy is a plan for founders and investors to sell their shares and make profits.

What is the difference between acquisition and trade sale? An acquisition involves one company buying another, while a trade sale is the sale of a company or its assets to another business in the same industry.

What is the difference between a trade sale and a secondary sale? A trade sale is selling a company or its assets to another company in the same industry, while a secondary sale is when existing investors sell shares to new investors.
Related Software
A trade sale can provide liquidity and access to industry expertise for a startup.
A trade sale can provide liquidity and industry expertise, strengthening a startup’s market position.
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