A Turnkey Solution is a type of solution that is readily available to implement into a current business process or package, designed to fulfill a certain process such as accounting, or CRM processes.
Usage and Context
A turnkey solution is a ready-to-use package that meets a specific business need.
Frequently asked questions
What does turnkey mean in software? Turnkey in software means a solution that is ready to use right after installation with no extra setup.

What is the turnkey method? The turnkey method involves delivering a project or solution that is ready to operate without requiring extra work or customization by the buyer.

What is an example of a turnkey service? An example of a turnkey service is a software company providing a complete IT solution, including hardware, software, setup, and support, ready for immediate use.
Related Software
A turnkey solution saves time and effort by providing ready-to-use business processes.
A turnkey solution streamlines implementation by providing ready-to-use business processes.
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