Uninvested refers to funds that have been raised but not yet allocated or spent by a startup, often kept in reserve for future use.
Usage and Context
Uninvested funds are raised but not yet used by a startup, kept for future needs.
Frequently asked questions
What is the earliest stage of funding? The earliest stage of funding is usually the pre-seed or seed stage, where initial money is raised.

What is a preferred return in private equity? A preferred return in private equity is a minimum return that must be paid to investors before general partners can receive their share of profits.

What is the return of seed investment? The return of seed investment is the profit or gains investors receive from their initial funding in a startup after it grows or exits.
Related Software
Uninvested funds act as a financial buffer for startups, ensuring they are ready for future opportunities.
Uninvested funds serve as a financial buffer for startups, preparing them for future opportunities.
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