A Unit Holder is an investor or owner of units in a venture fund or trust, akin to a shareholder in a corporation.
Usage and Context
A unit holder owns units in a venture fund or trust, like a shareholder in a company.
Frequently asked questions
Who is a unit holder? A unit holder is an investor who owns units in a fund or trust, similar to a shareholder in a company.

Who is the unit holder of a unit trust? The unit holder of a unit trust is an investor who owns units in the trust, similar to a shareholder owning shares in a company.

Who are unitholders of a company? Unitholders are investors who own units in a trust, mutual fund, or similar investment, sharing in its income and profits.
Related Software
A unit holder shares in the profits and losses of a fund, like owning shares in a company.
A unit holder shares in the profits and losses of a fund, similar to a shareholder in a company.
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