Unit Market Share is the measure of a product`s sales volume in comparison to the total sales volume of all competing products in the same market.
Usage and Context
Unit market share measures a product`s sales compared to total sales in the same market.
Frequently asked questions
What is the unit market share? Unit market share is the percentage of total sales volume in a market taken by a specific product.

How to calculate unit share? Unit share can be calculated by dividing the total value of the investment fund by the number of units outstanding: Unit Share Price = Total Value of Fund / Number of Units.

How is market share measured? Market share is measured by dividing a company`s total sales by the total sales of the industry or market it’s in, shown as a percentage.
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Nielsen, Statista
Unit market share reflects a product`s competitive position, helping assess market performance.
Unit market share evaluates a product`s competitive position within the market, guiding performance assessment.
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