Upselling is the practice of encouraging customers to purchase a higher-end product or service than the one in question, aiming to increase revenue.
Usage and Context
Upselling encourages customers to buy higher-end products or services, boosting revenue.
Frequently asked questions
What does upselling mean in customer service? Upselling is encouraging customers to buy higher-end products or services than they originally considered.

What is the purpose of upselling? The purpose of upselling is to increase the sale value by encouraging customers to buy more expensive items or add-ons, boosting revenue.

Is upselling good or bad? Upselling can be good if it adds value for the customer and meets their needs, but it can be bad if it feels pushy or manipulative.
Related Software
Salesforce, HubSpot
Upselling increases revenue by promoting premium options to current customers.
Upselling raises revenue by encouraging customers to choose premium options.
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