An Uptime Guarantee is a promise made by service providers, especially in SaaS and cloud computing, to be available and operational for a certain percentage of time.
Usage and Context
An uptime guarantee promises that a service will work for a certain percentage of the time.
Frequently asked questions
What is uptime guarantee? An uptime guarantee is a promise from service providers that their systems will be running for a certain percentage of time.

What is uptime in SaaS? Uptime in SaaS refers to the time a software-as-a-service application is operational and available to users without interruption.

What is uptime in cloud computing? Uptime in cloud computing refers to how long a cloud service is running and available to users without interruption.
Related Software
New Relic, Datadog
An uptime guarantee fosters customer trust by ensuring service reliability.
An uptime guarantee builds customer trust by ensuring reliable service.
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