Uptime Monitoring is the process of tracking and recording the availability and reliability of online services, ensuring that web-based services are accessible to users without interruption.
Usage and Context
Uptime monitoring checks how reliable and available online services are, ensuring constant access.
Frequently asked questions
What does uptime monitoring mean? Uptime monitoring checks and records the availability of online services to ensure constant access.

What is uptime in reliability? Uptime in reliability measures the time a system or service is functioning properly and available for use without downtime.

What is uptime in cyber security? Uptime in cybersecurity refers to the time when a system or network is fully working and accessible without downtime due to security issues.
Related Software
New Relic, Datadog
Uptime monitoring checks that services stay accessible, boosting user satisfaction.
Uptime monitoring checks service availability, improving user satisfaction and accessibility.
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