Usability is the ease with which people can use a particular tool or other human-made object to achieve a particular goal.
Usage and Context
Usability measures how easy it is for users to reach their goals with a product or tool.
Frequently asked questions
What is the definition of usability? Usability is how easily users can interact with a product or system to achieve their goals.

What is usability or ease of use? Usability, or ease of use, refers to how simple and efficient it is for users to interact with a product or system to achieve their goals.

What is usability of a tool? Usability of a tool means how easy and efficient it is for users to achieve their goals using the tool.
Related Software
Figma, Adobe XD
Usability enhances user experience, making products more effective and engaging.
Usability enhances user experience, making products more effective and engaging for customers.
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