User Activation is the process of turning a new user into an active one by encouraging them to take a specific action that provides value both to the user and the company.
Usage and Context
User activation gets new users to take specific actions that provide value, turning them into active users.
Frequently asked questions
What is the user activation process? The user activation process guides new users to take key actions that show the value of a product.

What is the difference between user activation and engagement? User activation refers to getting a new user to take a key action that provides value, while engagement measures ongoing interaction with a product or service.

What is the user activation point? The user activation point is when a new user first sees the value of a product or service, often leading to more engagement and loyalty.
Related Software
Mixpanel, Amplitude
User activation promotes engagement, increasing the chances of long-term retention.
User activation encourages engagement, raising the chances of long-term retention.
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