User Churn is the rate at which users stop using or cancel their subscription to a service, indicating customer retention success.
Usage and Context
User churn measures the rate at which users stop using a service or cancel their subscriptions.
Frequently asked questions
What is the user churn rate? User churn rate is the percentage of users who stop using a product or cancel a service in a specific time.

What is user churning? User churning, or churn rate, refers to the percentage of users who stop using a product or service over a period, indicating customer retention challenges.

What is the churn rate of subscriptions? The churn rate of subscriptions is the percentage of customers who cancel or don’t renew their subscriptions in a certain time frame.
Related Software
User churn highlights retention challenges, guiding efforts to enhance customer satisfaction.
User churn highlights retention issues, guiding efforts to improve customer satisfaction.
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