User Engagement is the frequency and intensity of user interactions with a product or service, indicative of customer interest and satisfaction.
Usage and Context
User engagement tracks how often and how much users interact with a product, showing customer interest.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of user engagement? User engagement is how much interaction and involvement users have with a product or service.

What is user engagement in product management? User engagement in product management refers to how actively users interact with a product, which is critical for assessing product success and user satisfaction.

What is user engagement in Google Analytics 4? User engagement in Google Analytics 4 refers to metrics that track how users interact with a website or app, like sessions, time on site, and actions taken.
Related Software
Google Analytics, Mixpanel
User engagement reflects customer interest, essential for building loyalty and retention.
User engagement indicates customer interest, crucial for fostering loyalty and retention.
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