User Onboarding is the process of improving a person`s success with a product or service, especially in the early stages of the customer lifecycle.
Usage and Context
User onboarding helps users succeed with a product or service, especially early in their customer journey.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of user onboarding? User onboarding helps new users get started and find value in a product or service.

What is the customer onboarding lifecycle? The customer onboarding lifecycle encompasses the steps a new customer takes from initial sign-up to becoming a fully engaged user, including setup, education, and first-time use.

What is the onboarding process in customer success? The onboarding process in customer success involves guiding new customers through the initial setup and usage of a product or service to help them achieve their goals.
Related Software
Appcues, Userpilot
User onboarding enhances early success, improving retention by helping users find value quickly.
User onboarding promotes early success, helping users find value quickly and improving retention.
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