User Retention Analysis involves examining data and metrics to understand how well a business retains its customers over time, identifying trends and areas for improvement.
Usage and Context
User retention analysis looks at how well a business retains its customers, helping find areas for improvement.
Frequently asked questions
What is a customer retention analysis? Customer retention analysis looks at how well a company keeps its customers and finds areas for improvement.

How is user retention defined? User retention is defined as the ability of a product or service to keep users engaged and active over time, preventing churn and maintaining a stable user base.

What metrics are used to measure customer retention? Metrics used to measure customer retention include customer retention rate, churn rate, repeat purchase rate, and customer lifetime value.
Related Software
Google Analytics, Mixpanel
User retention analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses in customer loyalty strategies.
User retention analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses in customer loyalty efforts.
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