User-Centric Design is an approach to product development and design that places the needs, wants, and limitations of end-users at the forefront of its priorities.
Usage and Context
User-centric design puts the needs and limits of end-users first in product development and design.
Frequently asked questions
What is a user-centric approach to design? A user-centric approach to design prioritizes user needs and feedback throughout product development to create better solutions.

What is the main goal of user-centric design? The main goal of user-centric design is to create products that are easy to use and satisfy user needs.

Why is user-centric design important in product design and development? User-centric design is important because it ensures the product meets real user needs and preferences, leading to higher satisfaction and adoption rates.
Related Software
Figma, Sketch
User-centric design emphasizes end-user needs, improving product usability and satisfaction.
User-centric design boosts product usability and satisfaction by prioritizing end-user needs.
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