User-Generated Innovation refers to new products, services, or improvements suggested by users or customers, often through open innovation platforms or feedback channels.
Usage and Context
User-generated innovation includes new ideas or improvements from users, often through feedback or open innovation platforms.
Frequently asked questions
What is the meaning of user innovation? User innovation refers to new ideas or improvements generated by users rather than the company itself.

What are the 4 types of innovation with examples? The 4 types are product innovation (smartphones), process innovation (automation), business model innovation (subscription services), and marketing innovation (influencer campaigns).

What is an example of a user-led innovation? An example of user-led innovation is a software company adding a new feature based on suggestions and feedback from its user community.
Related Software
User-generated innovation harnesses user feedback for new ideas and improvements.
User-generated innovation utilizes user feedback for new ideas and improvements.
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