Utility and Design Patents protect the functional aspects of inventions (utility patents) and the unique appearance or design of products (design patents).
Usage and Context
Utility and design patents protect functional inventions (utility patents) and the unique design of products (design patents).
Frequently asked questions
What are the three 3 basic requirements of a utility patent? The three basic requirements of a utility patent are novelty, non-obviousness, and usefulness.

What is a utility patent and design patent? A utility patent protects functional inventions, while a design patent protects the visual design of a product.

What is the protection of utility patent? A utility patent protects the functional parts of an invention, preventing others from making, using, or selling it without permission.
Related Software
USPTO Patent Search
Utility and design patents protect functional inventions and unique product designs, securing intellectual property rights.
Utility and design patents protect intellectual property by safeguarding functional inventions and unique designs.
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