UX/UI Alignment is the process of ensuring that a product’s user interface design (UI) and user experience design (UX) complement each other to maximize usability.
Usage and Context
UX/UI alignment ensures a product’s interface design and user experience design work together for the best usability.
Frequently asked questions
What is alignment in UI UX design? Alignment in UI/UX design ensures that visual and functional elements are properly placed and coordinated to enhance user experience.

What is UI/UX design strategy? UI/UX design strategy involves planning and executing design to create user-centered interfaces that meet business goals.

Which of the following statements is correct about the difference between UI and UX design? UI design focuses on the look and feel of a product`s interface, while UX design focuses on the overall user experience and how the product works.
Related Software
Figma, Sketch
UX/UI alignment improves usability by ensuring interface and experience designs work well together.
UX/UI alignment enhances usability by ensuring interface and experience designs complement each other.
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