The Viral Coefficient is a measure of how many new users an existing user generates, indicating the potential for exponential growth through referrals.
Usage and Context
The viral coefficient measures how many new users each existing user brings in, indicating potential for rapid growth.
Frequently asked questions
What does a viral coefficient measure? The viral coefficient measures how many new users an existing user generates through referrals, indicating potential for rapid growth.

What is the viral coefficient of growth? The viral coefficient of growth measures how many new users are generated by each existing user, indicating the potential for exponential growth.

What is the viral coefficient of a referral program? The viral coefficient of a referral program shows how many new users each current user brings in, indicating the program`s growth potential.
Related Software
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The viral coefficient measures how many new users each existing user brings in, showing growth potential.
The viral coefficient shows how many new users each existing user brings, highlighting growth potential.
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