A whitespace opportunity is an area where a company can potentially invest to expand its operations or product line, typically where little to no competition exists.
Usage and Context
A whitespace opportunity is a space with little competition where a company can expand its operations or product line.
Frequently asked questions
What is a WhiteSpace opportunity? A WhiteSpace opportunity is a market area with little to no competition, allowing a company to expand or innovate.

What is white space in a company? White space in a company refers to unoccupied market opportunities or areas where there is little or no competition.

What is the white space in a business plan? White space in a business plan means unexplored areas or opportunities in the market that the business can target for growth.
Related Software
A whitespace opportunity represents low-competition areas where a company can expand its offerings.
A whitespace opportunity indicates low-competition areas where a company can expand its offerings.
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