In digital terms, a widget is a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by an end-user.
Usage and Context
A widget is a small digital app with limited functionality that can be added to a web page.
Frequently asked questions
What is a widget in a website? A widget in a website is a small application or tool that provides specific functions, like a calendar or weather update, within a webpage.

What is the difference between desktop widget and web widget? A desktop widget is a small application running on a computer`s desktop, while a web widget is embedded in a website and interacts with online content.

What is the usage of mobile web widget? Mobile web widgets are small applications on a webpage that provide functions like showing weather, news, or social media feeds on mobile devices.
Related Software
Excel, Tableau
A widget is a small digital tool that adds functionality to a web page, improving user experience.
A widget is a small digital tool integrated into a web page to enhance user experience.
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