A Wireframe is a simple visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website or app, used for planning a site`s structure and functionality prior to development.
Usage and Context
A wireframe is a simple visual outline that shows the structure and functionality of a website or app before it’s built.
Frequently asked questions
What is a wireframe in a website? A wireframe in a website is a basic visual guide that represents the layout and structure of a webpage before actual design and content are added.

What is the meaning of wireframe? A wireframe is a basic visual guide that outlines the structure and layout of a web page or app, used for planning design and functionality.

What is wireframe framework? A wireframe framework is a visual guide that shows the basic structure and layout of a webpage or app before detailed design and development.
Related Software
A wireframe outlines a website or app`s structure, effectively guiding the development process.
A wireframe serves as a visual guide outlining the structure of a website or app before development.
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