Xinephobia represents the challenge startups face when entering new markets or launching unfamiliar products, derived from the fear of strangers.
Usage and Context
Xinephobia represents the difficulties startups face when entering new markets or launching unfamiliar products.
Frequently asked questions
What is the closest meaning of xenophobia? The closest meaning of xenophobia is fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers.

What are the derived words for xenophobia? Derived words for xenophobia are xenophobic (adjective) and xenophobe (noun).

Which statement describes a result of xenophobia in the 1920s? Xenophobia in the 1920s led to restrictive immigration laws and increased social tension against immigrants in the United States.
Related Software
Xinephobia highlights the challenges startups face when entering new or unfamiliar markets.
Xinephobia highlights the challenges startups face when entering unfamiliar markets or launching new products.
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