Year-over-year growth highlights a company`s growth or decline by comparing its performance across corresponding periods in different years.
Usage and Context
Year-over-year growth (YoY) compares a company`s performance in the same periods of different years to show growth.
Frequently asked questions
How to calculate year-over-year growth over multiple years? To calculate year-over-year growth over multiple years, compare the current year’s metric to the same metric from the previous year, divide by the previous year`s value, and multiply by 100 for the percentage.

What does year-over-year comparison mean? Year-over-year comparison means looking at financial or operational data from one period and comparing it to the same period last year to see growth or change.

How to do a year-over-year comparison? To do a year-over-year comparison, calculate the percentage change in a specific financial metric from one year to the same metric in the previous year.
Related Software
Excel, QuickBooks
Year-over-year growth (YoY) compares performance across the same periods in different years, highlighting trends.
Year-over-year growth (YoY) compares performance across the same periods in different years, showing trends.
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