Top Angel Investors in San Jose

Last updated: August 1, 2023

As the birthplace of groundbreaking inventions and visionary startups, San Jose owes much of its success to its cadre of skilled angel investors.

These investors have always identified brilliant minds and transformative ideas, propelling San Jose's legacy of shaping the global technological landscape.

However, choosing the perfect angel investor for your startup idea can be a little hectic. That too, when there's a huge number of angel investors.

So, without wasting any time, let's quickly discuss the Top 12 Angel Investors in San Jose and how to connect with them.

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    Top 12 Angel Investors In San Jose

    Although it is difficult to name a specific angel investor as the best one.

    However, I have prepared the following list by keeping things such as Interests and Investment range in mind.

    Vanguard Ventures Angel Investor

    Based in San Jose, Vanguard Ventures is one of the biggest angel investment groups focused on providing early-stage financial support to promising startups.

    Regarding their investment ranging process, they ensure that only the most promising startups can pass the screening tests. This screening process typically involves a thorough evaluation of the startup's business model, management team, market opportunity, and growth potential.

    Like many other startups, Vanguard Ventures hosts various events to create collaboration and education within the startup ecosystem. These events include pitch sessions, networking opportunities, workshops, and seminars, allowing individuals to connect with Vanguard Ventures.

    The network generally targets early-stage startups that have the potential to disrupt the markets. As for the investing range, Vanguard Ventures invest from $50,000 to $5M depending on the type of startup.

    Pegasus Tech Ventures

    Pegasus Tech Ventures is a global angel investor network based in San Jose. The investing network usually likes to finance growth for Stage A and Seed Stage startups. Their selective screening process involves evaluating startups based on their innovation potential, market relevance, and the robustness of the leadership team.

    Pegasus Ventures is known for its multiple pitch and mentorship events. From networking sessions, seminars, and pitch events to workshops, Pegasus Tech Ventures always work on increasing the overall growth of startups and creating a vibrant entrepreneurial community.

    They not only introduce startups to potential investors but also provide resources that are essential for their development.

    As for its investment range, Pegasus Tech Ventures is known for its gigantic tech investments. They focus on startups needing capital to scale operations, with investment amounts ranging from $500,000 to over $15 Million.

    Keiretsu Forum

    Keiretsu Forum, founded in San Jose's East Bay in 2000 by Randy Williams, is a renowned international investment network. The network comprises qualified venture capital angel investors and businesses offering a wide array of high-quality investment opportunities.

    With a presence across four continents and 53 branches, Keiretsu Forum is among the most active venture investors in San Jose and the United States.

    Beyond financial support, they also actively engage in social and humanitarian events, creating a strong entrepreneurial community. The investment range of Keiretsu Forum ranges from $200,000 to $2M.

    Life Science Angels

    Life Science Angels is another angel investor group in San Jose, specializing in the life sciences and healthcare sectors.

    With a strong focus on biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, they provide funding and mentorship to startups with groundbreaking ideas and potential for future growth.

    The screening test for Life Science Angels isn't super hard. However, individuals still need to properly understand their ideas and ensure their startup has the potential to catch the attention of business experts. The investment range of this network can range from $50,000 to $500,000.

    ArcView Investment Group

    The ArcView investment group operates in the legal cannabis sector, connecting angel investors with entrepreneurs.

    After completing great projects like the 'My Dispensary' phone app, they now host weekly investment forums, allowing entrepreneurs to pitch for funding. The ArcView Group's great ecosystem provides financial and educational support to cannabis farmers, retailers, and consumers while reducing risks for investors.

    New Media Ventures

    A prominent angel investor group in San Jose, New Media Ventures actively invests in businesses addressing critical issues in democracies. With a diverse portfolio of over $10 million worth of investments, they support startups with innovative ideas to bring positive societal change. New Media Ventures' program allows individuals to contribute to various organizations, creating political, journalism, innovation, and charity initiatives.

    SVC Angel Venture Club LLC

    The SVC Angel Venture Club LLC is known for investing in startups related to the Artificial Intelligence Sector.

    Usually, SVC Angels actively invest in early-stage startups with high growth potential. Since the group has many experienced investors in the AI and related sectors, they hold tough screening tests for individuals seeking funding for their startups.

    However, understanding your startup and its different stages can really give you an upper hand during the screening test. SVC Angels typically aim to assess an entrepreneur's confidence in their startup idea and determine whether they have a clear vision for its growth or if they lack direction and focus.


    AngelList serves as a prominent business network in San Jose, empowering entrepreneurs to bring their ideas into reality. It offers a comprehensive digital library that provides information on angel groups, venture capital firms, and other organizations.

    AngelList's analysis tools enable easy identification and investment in startups with promising potential. AngelList plays a crucial role in driving innovation and growth in San Jose's startup ecosystem by facilitating connections between angel investors and startups.

    Sustainable Ocean Alliance

    Dedicated to preserving and protecting the ocean, the Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) is a global organization with a significant presence in San Jose. Through a branch-based approach managed by students and recent graduates, SOA nurtures a pipeline of ocean innovators aged 16-35. With an impressive track record of supporting 37 initiatives, SOA connects angel investors with projects aimed at addressing critical environmental challenges, making a strong impact on ocean conservation.

    The investment range of SOA Investors can start from $100,000 and go up to $2M.

    Angel Launch

    Having successfully operated in Los Angeles, Angel Launch expanded its footprint to San Jose, connecting firms, innovators, and small business owners with early to mid-stage investors. By organizing events and supporting gatherings, Angel Launch helps startups gain funding and increase brand recognition in the competitive startup ecosystem.

    The investment range of Angel Lauch depends on the project. However, they usually support projects starting from $50,000 and can go up to a million dollars if the startup has growth potential.

    Sand Hill Angels

    Comprising seasoned startup entrepreneurs, Sand Hill Angels actively supports early-stage startups in San Jose. Their extensive experience in developing deep technology firms sets them apart as valuable partners for angel investors.

    Until now, San Hill AngelsTransparent collaboration with investors and other angel organizations has created an environment that nurtures technological innovation and entrepreneurial success.

    As for the investment range, San Hill angels support startups from $50,000 to $700,000.


    #ANGELS, founded by prominent figures such as Chloe Sladden, Jessica Verrilli, April Underwood, Katie Stanton, Vijaya Gadde, and Jana Messerschmidt, aims to increase women's representation on successful startup boards in San Jose.

    As angel investors, they actively support entrepreneurs across various sectors, fostering a diverse and inclusive startup ecosystem. Their portfolio of over 80 firms reflects their commitment to supporting innovative ideas and promoting gender diversity in the entrepreneurial world.

    Final words

    Now that we are done discussing the Top 12 Angel Investors in San Jose, let's discuss some final words of wisdom.

    Most of the angel investors in San Jose are always looking to find entrepreneurs with leadership qualities and unique mindsets. This is a great benefit for those who are actually looking to shine their business in the San Jose market.

    However, if you aren't prepared to do the hard work, make your startup stand out and learn the ways to pinch angel investors, getting your startup funded by the angel investors may not be that easy.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How do startups pitch to angel investors in San Jose?

    A: Startups can pitch to angel investors in San Jose through various avenues, such as pitch events, networking sessions, and introductions by mutual connections. A well-prepared pitch deck that showcases the startup's value proposition and potential for growth is essential for attracting investor interest.

    Q: How can startups pitch to investors like Randy Williams or Chloe Sladden?

    A: Startups can pitch to Randy Williams and other Keiretsu Forum investors through the forum's pitch events and networking sessions. #ANGELS, co-founded by Chloe Sladden, is known for supporting startups with big ideas, and entrepreneurs can connect with the group through introductions and pitch opportunities.

    Q: Can international startups approach investors like Keiretsu Forum in San Jose?

    A: Yes, Keiretsu Forum has a global presence, and international startups can approach investors in San Jose through their international branches or networking events to seek potential investments.

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