Startup Fundraising Glossary

Navigate the world of startup financing with confidence

Explore a glossary of essential terms in startups, startup fundraising, bootstrapping and entrepreneurship. Decode the terminology and jargon with ease.

Non-Traditional FinancingNon-Traditional Financing refers to financing methods outside of conventional bank loans, such as crowdfunding, peer-to-peer loans, or angel investments.Non-Traditional MarketsNon-Traditional Markets are markets that are not served by traditional businesses, often targeted by startups for new opportunities.Non-Voting SharesNon-Voting Shares are shares that grant the shareholder equity in a company but do not grant voting rights in shareholder meetings.Nondisclosure NormsNondisclosure Norms are industry or sector-specific practices regarding the confidentiality of sensitive information.Nontangible ValueThe Nontangible Value is the worth of a company`s non-physical assets, such as brand reputation, intellectual property, and customer relationships.Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB)A Normal Course Issuer Bid (NCIB) is a type of stock buyback where a company purchases its own shares from the marketplace.Normal Course OfferingA Normal Course Offering is a standard, routine offering of securities to investors, typically without any special features or conditions.Normal GoodsNormal Goods are goods for which demand increases as consumer income rises, unlike inferior goods, for which demand decreases as consumer income rises.Normalized EarningsNormalized Earnings are earnings adjusted for factors that are not considered normal or recurrent, providing a clearer picture of financial health.Normalized Financial StatementsNormalized Financial Statements are financial statements that have been adjusted for items considered abnormal, non-recurring, or unrelated to ongoing operations.Normative AnalysisNormative Analysis is evaluation based on what ought to be or what is considered desirable, often in the context of ethical or policy implications for startups.Normative EconomicsNormative Economics is a branch of economics that expresses value judgments about economic fairness or what the economy ought to be like.Not-for-ProfitA Not-for-Profit is an organization that focuses on a mission or purpose other than making a profit, often eligible for tax-exempt status.Notation AgreementA Notation Agreement is an agreement detailing the terms of a convertible note, including interest rate, maturity date, and conversion mechanics.NoteA Note is a financial security that generally represents a loan and obligation to pay back the amount borrowed.Note Conversion CapThe Note Conversion Cap is the maximum valuation at which a convertible note can convert into equity, protecting investors from dilution.Note PayableA Note Payable is a written promise to pay a specified amount of money, at a certain time, to the holder of the note.NoteholderA Noteholder is an individual or entity that owns a note, a financial instrument signifying a debt or obligation.Notice of ConversionA Notice of Conversion is a notice from the holder of a convertible note or security to the issuer, indicating the intent to convert the note into equity.Notice of DefaultA Notice of Default is a formal notification issued to a borrower indicating a failure to meet loan obligations, typically regarding a payment default.Notice of Funding InterestA Notice of Funding Interest is a formal declaration by potential investors indicating their interest in participating in a financing round.Notice of InterestA Notice of Interest is an official declaration by an investor indicating a preliminary interest in participating in a funding round.Notice PeriodThe Notice Period is the time period between the receipt of the letter of dismissal and the end of the last working day.Notice to ProceedA Notice to Proceed is a formal notification that gives a contractor or vendor the green light to begin work on a project.NovationNovation is the act of replacing one party in a contract with another, or replacing one legal obligation with another.Novation AgreementA Novation Agreement is an agreement through which one party transfers all its obligations and rights under a contract to a third party.Novation in Funding AgreementsNovation in Funding Agreements is the act of replacing one party with another within a funding agreement, with all parties agreeing to the substitution.Novel Business ModelsNovel Business Models are innovative or unconventional business models adopted by startups to disrupt traditional markets or create new ones.Novelty AnalysisNovelty Analysis is the process of assessing the novelty and uniqueness of a startup`s product or service, often for patentability.Novelty CheckA Novelty Check is a symbolic presentation check that represents funds donated or awarded, often used in promotional or ceremonial settings.Novice EntrepreneurA Novice Entrepreneur is an individual new to founding or running a startup, often in the early stages of learning about entrepreneurship.Nurture CampaignsNurture Campaigns are marketing efforts focused on engaging with potential customers through the provision of relevant, valuable content to help move them through the sales funnel.Nurture Funding RelationshipNurture Funding Relationship involves the ongoing effort to maintain and strengthen the relationship between startups and their investors beyond the initial funding phase.Nurture InvestmentNurture Investment focuses on investments not just on financial returns but also on the growth and development of the startup.Nurture MarketingNurture Marketing involves marketing strategies focused on building relationships with potential clients by providing valuable content and engagement.Nurture ProgramA Nurture Program is a strategic initiative designed to support and develop startups or new ventures through resources, guidance, and support.Nurturing EcosystemA Nurturing Ecosystem is a supportive environment that fosters the growth and success of startups through resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities.Nutshell SummaryA Nutshell Summary is a concise summary that captures the essence or key points of a business plan or investment proposal.Objective Key Results (OKRs)Objective Key Results (OKRs) are a framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes, commonly used to measure performance.Objective-driven DevelopmentObjective-driven Development is a development approach where product or service enhancements are directly aligned with strategic business objectives.Off-Balance Sheet FinancingOff-Balance Sheet Financing involves funding obtained through methods that do not require the company to include liabilities on its balance sheet.Off-Market DealAn Off-Market Deal is a private agreement for the sale or purchase of assets or shares, not conducted through a public exchange.Offensive Marketing WarfareOffensive Marketing Warfare involves aggressive marketing strategies aimed at achieving market dominance or outperforming competitors.Offer Conversion RateThe Offer Conversion Rate is the percentage of investment offers that successfully convert into actual investments during a fundraising round.Offering MemorandumAn Offering Memorandum is a legal document stating the terms of the investment and the risks involved, provided to prospective investors.Offering PriceThe Offering Price is the price at which shares are offered for sale to investors during an initial public offering or other issuance.Offering RoundAn Offering Round is a specific instance of fundraising where a startup seeks to raise capital from private or public investors.Offshore FundingOffshore Funding involves capital raised from investors located outside the startup`s home country, often used to leverage tax advantages or access new markets.Omnichannel Fundraising ApproachAn Omnichannel Fundraising Approach utilizes multiple channels, both online and offline, in a cohesive manner to engage and secure investments from a wide array of investors.Omnichannel MarketingOmnichannel Marketing is a marketing strategy that provides a seamless customer experience across multiple channels, both online and offline.